I deeply appreciate this reporting, always so centered on the lived experiences of folks who confront challenges US-born folks might not even realize. When I think of supporting MARTA and transit, I often think of the personal benefit to me, but this makes it plain how exceptionally important it would be for others.

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Thanks Ross, as always, for reading and for your supportive words. Yes, more public transportation would help LOTS of people in Metro Atlanta!

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Oh an all the respect in the world to this teacher!! Being able to drive is really valuable, and I'm glad they're learning. I just wish the waiting list wasn't so deep and it weren't a critical need for survival.

I grew up in Marietta/East Cobb and from the news of proposed new transit in Cobb County, the very first bus route going anywhere near my childhood home would start running. In my time there I didn't conceptualize going anywhere without a car, because it wasn't easy.

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